Filming For Awesomenesstv & LA Adventures! ♥
So a couple months ago I entered and won a competition through Claires Accessories. This meant me and one other person, (my best friend Megan) were not only able to travel to LA for free, but also appear Awesomenesstv!!

So the rest of the time we spent in Los Angeles we went sight seeing! We got to go down Rodeo Drive, walk among the stars in the walk of fame, get a glimpse of the Sunset Boulevard and have a pretty good look at the Hollywood sign! After also fitting in a couple other tourist spots we didn't really have time to soak in the gorgeous sunshine we had; unfortunately we were limited by the few days we were there.
This trip came at a really stressful time in my life, but I wouldn't have had it any other way! Its inspired me to work for two other goals of my own!
1. There's a whole world out there to see! Having been to Africa already by myself and now to the USA, I just want to go see more!! Ive been bitten by the travel bug and I love it.
2. One day we will return to LA, maybe not to the five star hotel we stayed in this time, (I don't think we could ever afford that!) but definitely to Santa Monica as it genuinely stole our hearts whilst we were there!
I hope you've enjoyed this post and I'll speak to you all soon!
Victoria ❀