Baby lips Lovin' ❀


Baby lips Lovin' 

Babylips are my go-to lip balms, not only do they work wonders for my my lips but they come in so many colours! I literally have one for every occasion. With such a variety of colours it's almost certain you'll find one that's the perfect match for you. In this first pick are a random few selected from my vast collection. 

The electro range are perfect for any night out or event as they really make your lips pop. You can wear them without having to worry about it transferring either! I find myself wearing them on nights out all the time and they're definitely a cheaper solution. Your essentially getting a lip balm that when used lightly is an everyday essential, or when layered up makes your lips stand out!  This is a product I fell every beauty guru needs at least one of in their life, Maybelline, you did well! 

Thanks for ready and I'll see you again soon!
Victoria ❀

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